a poet and a thinker...

Thursday 9 January 2014

The holy place

He went to every place of worship he came across. When asked he would say 'I am in search of peace'.

From the lands to the west of his home, to those in the far east, he wandered, spending all he had to visit every place of worship mentioned in any religion or faith.

One fine day, as he wandered in the land of yoga and faith, in the Himalayas, he saw the destruction that the floods had caused. He stopped dead and looked all around. His face had lost all colour. His heart raced.

'Namaste' he heard.
Turning around, he saw a woman clad in orange saree. Her hair was tied neatly. She wore an honest smile that lit her face up.
He was too dumbstruck seeing the destruction to say anything.

' I noticed you carry the weight of some dreadful thought. What might that be?' She asked.

'Erm...' he pursed his lips 'I feel ditched.'
'Why so, if I may ask?' Said the lady.
He took a deep breath and clapped a hand to his forehead. ' I have been a fool!'  He shook his head in disbelief ' I spent all that I earned in search of God. I visited every holy place they have marked on the map. And for what! Only to realise that there is no God afterall!'

'Why do you say so?' She asked.
'Why! Dont you see all this destruction! What God would not protect His own holy place! His own people!  I have been a fool!'

The lady smiled.
'Yes you have been!' She said ' you visited all the places marked on the map, but you forgot the only true place you can find Him in! Within yourself!'

He looked at her for a minute or so, pondering over what she just said.

'But all this destruction? Its ruthless!' He said. 'Its not Godly'

'And since when do we have the audacity to challenge God? Not just in our words, but also in our action!  God creates God destroys. The entire earth is His child. He doesn't discriminate.'

He thought and thought and thought.

'Hush!' She said, smiling.

' But I did not say a word!' He reasoned.

'I know.' She smiled 'I did not ask you to shut up!'

'Hush, child, hush, and you shall find what you seek, within yourself'


  1. truth of life...........when you are part of the universe, the universe is found within you!
