a poet and a thinker...

Wednesday 15 January 2014



Living in such sweet nothing
Coloured candies sweet no more
A ghost's yearn to feel a touch
An orphan's yearn to hear a lore

Restless and franctic, anxious
A little seed, away with wind
A canary fallen off her nest
A saddened soul that has sinned

With sun so far, the frozen ice,
still, for warmth from someplace else.
Old man who watches a playing child.
A deaf man's yearn to hear the bells.


This poem talks about how people want certain things and so many times, those things are way beyond reach.
For instance, a ghost can never feel a 'touch' and an orphan cannot listen to the stories that his parents would have told.

The thought of 'if only' is crippling. The inability to get what they want, makes people restless  (2nd stanza)
This restlessness is compared with that of a seed - a seed that reaches an unknown land and faces the challenge to grow into a tree.
It is also compared with a confused little baby bird who fell off a nest, and does not know what to do next.
However, the restlessness of a soul who has realised that it has sinned and is beyond redemption is probably really incorrigible.

The third stanza says that people still keep trying, and so they should, like in winters when the sun is so far, the ice lay frozen, waiting to somehow, someday melt back to life.

Some of these people do succeed. They find their peace in others, like an old man who re-lives his childhood in his grandson.

However, sadly, some people keep trying without any result, like a deaf person, who waits in vain, to hear the sound of a bell.

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