a poet and a thinker...

Friday 17 January 2014



High, into the depths of sun delusive,
into the eerie ermine elusive
foot by foot to rise above slowly
to delve deeper for work is holy.

Into the delusive depths of sunlight bright
Starry-eyed, blinded by false light,
In shine of sun, see shine of gold
until night dawns upon them, dark and cold.

Some into the trap of the mighty sun
In vice alone those who seek fun
Why should the earth be a chain
For protection petty can impart pain.

Unto the heights of skies and depths of blues
With dreams in eyes and vivid hues
With no care in world and no fear
To endure all pain, lest death would tear.

They risk it all and take all risks
An Icarus in head, with uncanny tricks
Curiosity can kill but so can calm
Some want to paint red with a reeking palm.


Our methodology is a manifestation of how we think. Some people strive hard. They surpass fatigue as the little Icarus in their head numbs their body to all but the calling of their soul. Different people have different 'reason' backing them up.
This poem explores the various ways this Icarus works.
In some men, it is simply the calling of their work which is the reason they live. For such people their work is their life, it is holy. They strive like little ants, inch by inch towards their goal. Such people brave all challenges and go as far up towards the sky as they can so they could dive in the sea of success as deep as possible.
Some starry eyed people see gold in the shine of sun, strive for fame, glamour and the like until the harsh reality of hollow happiness dawns upon them.
Some people know the sun to be just that, yet they chase it as they enjoy being reckless.
Some people are purely dreamers. They chase their own fantasies and seek their own selves. Their only aim is peace within. Such people know that if they dont chase each seemingly silly little dream, they would not be able to die peacefuly.
Some people are strong. Like soldiers and rebels, they are fighters. They do not worry about the blood they shed.

Thus, we all have an Icarus in our heads, who comes with such tricks! This Icarus makes us risk what we can for what he makes us chase.

Do you know your Icarus?

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