a poet and a thinker...

Tuesday 11 February 2014

A message in a bottle


I was born only a little pen innocent
my lord filled me with such lucid ink
and the silent whispers said deep to heart
make me write what I can't even think.

Unlike the sun, I own no light real.
No rains I make like coloured clouds.
At most I reflect, like does the moon,
and what I am told I speak aloud.

Please forgive me for I may have erred
But its not my language I speak to you
And while you read these simple words
try to listen to the hidden clue:

You are all born a pen of sorts,
and life is the holiest book
so, write, scribble, sketch and draw,
on stones that ever upright stood.

You can stumble over an innocent rock
but dont curse it, it was meant to be.
Instead, sculpt it lovely, sculpt it grand.
Like a climber, you need it, like a tree.

No one will know you for tears you shed
or what cave you hid in when it was cold.
Its your art, your impression on those walls.
What you leave-a story you chose be told.

Every step you take, is a letter you write.
And the sands shall carry them to tomorrow.
Your letters-the story written by you,
Shaped by sunflowers and shades of sorrow.

A message in a bottle, I stumbled upon it.
From the seas of wisdom, a little drop.
Having read it out loud to you now,
I pray you rise and never cease to stop-

At every rock big or pebble small.
At every fork and every turn.
At the sight of every soul in need.
What you get, you must return!


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